Differences between domestic and commercial fire alarm systems

Both domestic and commercial fire alarm systems share the core objective of fire detection and safety, but the type of alarm systems used in different properties differ. So what are the differences between domestic and commercial fire alarm systems? And how can you be sure to meet regulations and standards?

So what are the differences between domestic and commercial fire alarm systems?

Both domestic/residential properties, as well as commercial premises, need fire alarm systems to act as a warning system in case of a fire in the building. But there are several differences between the types of alarm system needed in the different properties. These differences include:

  • Size and design
  • Regulations and standards

Size and design of fire alarm systems

The biggest difference between the fire alarm systems in residential and commercial properties is the size, complexity and design of each system. 

Domestic fire alarm systems are designed specifically for use within homes and smaller living spaces. This means that this type of system is generally simpler in design and functionality compared to a commercial system. Commercial systems are designed to meet the demands of larger, more intricate environments such as offices, factories, and public buildings. As a result, these systems are renowned for their scalability and integration with other safety mechanisms. 

In addition, domestic systems typically use smoke detectors or heat sensors that are strategically placed in key areas, such as hallways and bedrooms. These are designed to emit audible alarms to alert those inside of a potential fire, with immediate notification and evacuation being the primary purpose. Commercial systems on the other hand, tend to use a broader range of sensors, such as smoke, heat, flame, and gas detectors, covering extensive areas. These are often also connected to central monitoring stations that can alert emergency services automatically. This capability ensures a swift response and reduces potential damage.

Regulations and standards for fire alarm systems in commercial properties

Another of the big differences between the two systems is that commercial fire alarm systems have stricter regulations and standards due to the higher occupancy and potential risks associated with these spaces. British Standards, such as BS 5839, provide comprehensive guidelines for the installation and maintenance of commercial fire alarm systems. In addition, these guidelines make it clear that regular testing and inspection are crucial to ensure the systems’ reliability.

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