When should you call a commercial electrical team?

Here at Walker Electrical, we are Preston’s leading electrical experts. And we work with a wide range of companies and businesses across the North West, to deliver effective electrical solutions. As a result, we have produced this guide to everything you should know about when to get in touch with a commercial electrical team.

So when should you call a commercial electrical team?

Its essential to get in touch with a professional electrical team for any of your electrical issues, especially in a workplace or commercial property. This is because not only can a professional team, like us here at Walker Electrical, resolve the problem or issue quickly and effectively, but they can also make sure that everything is in line with legal requirements, British standards, and electrical safety legislation. But when do you need to call a professional electrician for your commercial property? Well, there are a number of circumstances including:

  • Flickering lights- flickering lights can be a clear indicator of a significant electrical issue that will need to be examined by a professional team. This can be caused by faulty connections and joins within your electrical circuits, or it can be caused by fluctuations in power, or faulty lights and fixtures. Either way, investigation and repair will need to be carried out by a professional team.
  • Tripping switches- tripping switches and tripping circuit breakers can be an indication of a faulty appliance, but if this is not the case, your circuits will need professional attention. This is because circuit breakers are designed to switch off to protect the circuit, especially from power surges or electrical current issues. As a result, the cause will need to be investigated by a professional team.

For more information or advice, get in touch with the leading professionals today, here at Walker Electrical.