Electric car charging points for all new homes

electric car charging

Here at Walker Electrical, we are Preston’s leading electrical professionals, and leading providers of EV charging points for both homes and the workplace. And this week has seen a big boost for electric vehicles and their charging points. EV charging is one of the biggest barriers that people face when making the switch from traditional vehicles, to those powered by electricity. But all that is set to change this week, as plans for electric car charging points to be installed in every new UK home were unveiled. So what do these plans mean for you?

Electric car charging points for all new homes

Well, this proposal is focused on new homes built in Britain. The government plan is for every new property to be fitted with charging points for electric cars, as part of a larger plan to improve the necessary infrastructure, if people are to make the switch. A public consultation regarding these plans has been announced by The Department for Transport, to see if the key changes to building regulations should be approved. If they are, then homebuilders would need to install charging points to all new homes to allow easy charging of electric and hybrid cars.

A series of developments

The plans are the latest in a series of announcements surrounding the electric vehicle movement. Last week it was announced the government is investing around £37 million into research about charging points to solve the issue of off street parking. This includes research into the development of wireless charging and charging points that emerge from the pavement.

Transport Secretary Chris Grayling said:

“With record levels of ultra-low emission vehicles on our roads, it is clear there is an appetite for cleaner, greener transport. Home charging provides the most convenient and low-cost option for consumers – you can simply plug your car in to charge overnight as you would a mobile phone.”

 If you’re looking for an EV charging point to be installed in your property, residential or commercial, get in touch with the team today, here at Walker Electrical.