Advantages of reducing office energy consumption

commercial and industrial electrical services

Here at Walker Electrical, we are Preston’s leading electrical experts. And we work with a wide range of companies and businesses across the North West, to deliver effective electrical solutions. As a result, we have produced this guide to everything you should know about the benefits and advantages of reducing office energy consumption.

Electricity use in a standard office

Offices typically use a lot of electricity. Most of this electricity consumption comes from your light fixtures, with lighting costing around 26% of the average office bill. Computer use costs around 10% with the kettle, fridge and water cooler costing an additional 10%. But what is most interesting is that around 46% of all energy usage from offices, occurs between 6pm and 8am, i.e, after office hours. This shows a greater need for energy efficient strategies such as:

  • automatic lighting that switches off when not in use
  • policies to turn off appliances at the end of the work day
  • switching to LED lighting

What are the advantages of reducing office energy consumption?

There are a number of advantages and benefits to reducing the amount of energy used within your office, and increasing energy efficiency. These advantages include:

  • Reducing cots- the biggest advantage of reducing the amount of energy your office uses is the reduction in cost associated with this. Using less electricity in particular can have a big impact on the overall energy bill, and help to increase the profit your business makes.
  • Maintaining electrical appliances- not only can leaving your computers, printers and electrical appliances on all night be wasteful in terms of electricity, but it can also cause damage to these appliances too, by increasing the amount of electrical wear. This means that parts may break faster, or need repairing earlier.

For more information or advice, get in touch with the professionals today, here at Walker Electrical.