Effective office corridor lighting

Here at Walker Electrical, we are Preston’s leading electrical experts. And we provide a range of high quality electrical solutions to companies and businesses across the region. As a result, we have produced this guide to everything you should know about effective office corridor lighting.

What are the options for effective office corridor lighting?

Lighting the corridors in your office space can help to increase the ambient lighting within your office working environment. But how can the corridor be lit effectively? And what are the different lighting options? Well, there are several including:

  • Colour wash lighting
  • Uplighting
  • Motion sensitive lighting

Colour wash lighting for office corridors

Colour wash lighting is a specific type of lighting that washes the entire wall with the colour of the light. This can be a very effective option for creating a space that is quirky and upbeat, and it means you can use any lighting colour to create the wall colour you are looking for, without redecorating.

Uplighting for office corridors

Uplights can be the perfect addition to any office corridor. Positioned low towards the base of the wall, uplights shine a line upwards, towards the ceiling, creating an unusual and effective visual result. In an office environment, this can cast the perfect amount of light into the office space, without being overbearing, or relying on standard downlights.

Motion lighting for office corridors

Motion activated lighting can be one of the most practical options for any office corridor. This is activated to switch on when motion is detected, and will automatically switch back off when the corridor is no longer in use. For any working environment this can help to reduce energy costs, as it means that you wont be lighting spaces unnecessarily all day.

For more information or advice, get in touch with the professionals today, here at Walker Electrical.