How do you know your fuse box is safe?

electrical testing

The fuse box is an important part of your properties electrical systems. It’s a combination of the heart and the brain of the system, and is essential for your electrical circuits. But how do you know your fuse box is safe? And when should you call a professional?

So, how do you know your fuse box is safe?

Well, there are several signs that may indicate that your fuse box is not safe and may need to be replaced. These include:

  • Damage on visual inspection- you can check the condition of your fuse box by performing a visual inspection. Look for any signs of damage, such as broken or loose wires, cracked or burnt-out fuses, or loose connections. If you notice any of these issues, you should have the fuse box inspected by a qualified electrician, like us here at Walker Electrical, as soon as possible.
  • The age of the fuse box- Fuse boxes have a limited lifespan and may need to be replaced after a certain number of years. If your fuse box is more than 30 years old, it may be at a higher risk of malfunction or failure. In this case, it may be advisable to have it replaced.
  • Electrical issues- there are several different electrical issues that can indicate that you fuse box is no longer safe. These include frequent tripped circuits or flickering lights. In addition, if fuses in your fuse box are blowing frequently, it may be a sign that the fuse box is not able to handle the electrical load and may be overloaded. If any of these electrical issues are occurring regularly, you should have the fuse box inspected by a qualified electrician.

If you have any concerns about the safety of your fuse box, it is best to consult a qualified electrical team like us here at Walker Electrical. We will be able to assess the condition of the fuse box and determine whether it needs to be replaced. For more information or advice, why not get in touch today?