Benefits of installing adjustable office task lighting

As Preston’s leading electrical professionals, here at Walker Electrical, we provide a wide range of electrical solutions for businesses and residential properties across the North West.This includes electrical design, installation and maintenance. For offices, we specialise in lighting design and electrical solutions of the highest quality, tailored to your requirements.  As a result, we have produced this guide to the benefits of installing adjustable office task lighting.

What is adjustable task lighting?

Adjustable task lighting is a type of lighting that provides more light for particular tasks, like reading or cooking. When this is adjustable, the angle of the beam of light can be moved and altered to provide a more suitable lighting level for whatever you are doing. In an office, this can bring a number of advantages and benefits.

What are the benefits of installing adjustable office task lighting?

So, why is adjustable office task lighting such a good idea? Well, this can bring many advantages and benefits, including:

  • Individual light levels- if each desk or work-space has its own adjustable, fully controllable task lighting, then everyone in your office will be happy. Each person will be able to control the level and quality of light, so that they are comfortable in the work place. As a result, there will be fewer absences, and your staff will suffer from fewer migraines and less eye strain.
  • Increase in productivity- humans need the right lighting to work efficiently. Too dark, and your staff can become tired and unmotivated. Too bright (artificially) and your staff can become easily distracted and less productive. With adjustable task lighting, your staff will be able to stay focused, and productive, for longer.
  • A happier workplace- if your staff are working harder, but also feeling more positive about work, you can be sure that your workplace will be a happier place to be. And if this is the case, you will notice that staff are more likely to stay late, and make themselves more available for overtime work.

For more information or advice, get in touch with the team today, here at Walker Electrical.