Choosing a professional electrician

When it comes to come to choosing a professional electrician, you can never be too careful. Especially if you need an electrician to help you with your commercial or industrial property. So how do you go about choosing a professional electrician, and what type of questions should you ask? Well here at Walker Electrical, we are Preston’s leading electrical experts. And we work with clients and companies in a wide range of sectors, including industrial, residential, and commercial. As a result, we have produced this guide to choosing a professional electrician.

Gather quotes from some different companies

One of the deciding factors about who to hire, might come to down to cost. After all, businesses have a tight budget, and whoever can offer the better deal, is likely to win. But don’t forget, cost can reflect quality. And the cheapest might not be the best. It also might not be entirely truthful, as some unscrupulous companies will deliberately under quote before finding unseen issues.

Check out recommendations

Get word of mouth recommendation from family and friends, and check the internet for online reviews. Don’t take the word of the company website, go further with your research and check out Google My Business ratings, and Yelp or other review sites.


Does the company have qualifications? You wouldn’t hire an unqualified employee, so don’t take the risk with your electrical work either. Make sure the electrical company you hire are accredited, registered professionals.


For some commercial sector work, a regular domestic electrician will be fine. But for more complicated industrial tasks, you need to hire someone with experience. Experience is one of the best teachers, and will help your electrician avoid common mistakes and pitfalls a novice might easily make. It also means that your electrician will be able to rectify any issues easily and safely, while an inexperienced electrician might struggle and instead be tempted by short-cuts.

Here at Walker Electrical, we are professional, qualified experts. Why not call us today?