Considerations for redesigning office lighting

Here at Walker Electrical, we are Preston’s leading electrical experts. And we work with companies and businesses across the commercial, residential and industrial sectors, to provide top quality electrical solutions. This includes office lighting design and installation. Whether you work in a Victorian flat office, 60’s office block, or a modern new build office, at some point, your electrics, including lighting, will need to be redesigned. Whether your company has grown, your office is undergoing renovation, or your electrics have become dangerous through wear and tear, every office over time will need rewiring. And this is the perfect opportunity to alter and change your office lighting. As a result, we have produced this guide to everything you should consider when redesigning your office lighting.

What are the important considerations for redesigning office lighting?

So, when it comes to redesigning your office lighting, what are the most important considerations? Well, there are several, including:

  • energy efficiency
  • comfortable lighting
  • lighting control options

Energy efficiency

In any office, conserving electricity and reducing the cost of bills is important. New wiring and lighting systems can help make your business more energy efficient overall, because they can make use of new technology. Why not consider motion sensitive lighting, so that your lights can be activated when the room is in use, and turned off automatically when it isnt?

Comfortable office lighting

The right lighting in the office can make a big difference to employee health, productivity, and morale. Comfortable lighting can prevent headaches and eye strain, and make the working environment a more positive and action filled place to be. This can also include installing adjustable lighting, so that your employees can have more control over the lighting of their workplace.

Lighting control options

When redesigning your office lighting, you can also consider the lighting control options. Improved lighting control options can provide more control to your employees over the brightness and level of ambient light.

For more information or advice, get in touch with the professionals today, here at Walker Electrical.