Electric car charging points in the home

electric car charging

While Britain prepares for the 2040 petrol and diesel car ban, installing an electric car charging point in the home is a fantastic way to make sure you are ahead of the curve. Beat the rush, and make the switch early and you can take advantage of government grants. Here at Walker Electrical in Preston, we are proud to offer the installation of electric car charging points in the home, as well as the workplace. As a result, we have produced this guide to talk you through the key points of electric car charging points in the home.

Can an electric car be charged from the mains?

One of the easiest ways to charge your electric car is through the mains. This will generally take about 6-9 hours so charging overnight is a great idea.

However, the ability to charge from the mains depends heavily on whether your domestic power sockets can provide enough power to charge the car.

In addition, charging from the mains is not recommended as a long term solution. Especially for daily use. This is why a specially designed charger should be installed.

Electric car charging points in the home

Having an electric car charging point installed in the home is a lot easier and quicker. In fact, you can fully charge at speeds that are around 2.5% faster than the mains. This will save you time and reduce the pressure on your homes circuitry.

In addition, it is often faster than public charging points, and you have the added advantage of being able to charge whenever you like.

What will it cost to charge at home?

Finally, electric car charging points in the home can save you a huge amount of money. This is because a full charge should only cost you around £3 in electricity! When you work this out over the mileage, you are only paying 2p a mile! When compared to petrol, you could save around £1000 a year!

For more information or to book your installation, contact us today at Walker Electrical.