Guide to electric car charging following the 2040 Diesel and Petrol Car Ban

electric car charging

This is a hot topic right now, with motorists up and down the country unsure of what exactly this ban will mean, and how soon it will begin to effect daily life. Here at Walker Electrical, our advice is to act now. Electric car charging points are simple to install, through us, and you can expect a handy government discount for acting early. It also means you’ll be in prime position for the coming electric car developments. But to answer those common questions, here is our handy guide to electric car charging following the 2040 Diesel and Petrol Car Ban.

guide to electric car charging

Why is the ban being put in place?

The government have put this ban in place because there is no other way of tackling air quality, without removing the need to burn fossil fuels in our cars.

When will it happen?

Although the ban is for 2040, you will notice changes far before this. These will include more electric car charging points installed, to help prepare for the switch over and to encourage more people to do so earlier, rather than later.

What will the impact be?

Essentially, you can expect the bottom to fall out of the petrol and diesel market before 2040 even arrives. There will be a progressive downward trend in residual value for these cars and essentially, the value will become so low that leasing will not be an option.

On the other hand, investment in electric vehicles and the engineering in this department will increase rapidly. This will see more car manufacturers offering electric car options, and electric cars actually improving in performance.

All of this investment and growth in electric vehicles means that they are predicted to pass petrol and diesel cars by 2020, and become cheaper to buy outright. They are also cheaper to run so you will save money in all aspects.

How can we help?

Here at Walker Electrical we can install innovative, reliable, affordable and future proof electric car charging points and the entire charging infrastructure so that you will be ready for electric vehicle developments. Whether you are a company, for which your charging points may well be subsidized or paid in part by the government, or an individual, who could also save a lot on installation, we are here to help. Why not get in touch today to find out more?