How can mechanical failure affect your company?


Any industrial business that relies on any kind of machinery should always be wary of mechanical failure. But how can mechanical failure affect your company? And what can you do to prevent failures from occurring? Well here at Walker electrical, we are Preston’s leading electrical experts. From industrial to commercial properties, we provide a range of electrical services, including professional electrical maintenance and servicing. As a result, we have produced this guide to everything you should know about the problems of mechanical failures.

How can mechanical failure affect your company?

Mechanical failure and system breakdowns can have a huge impact on your company, including:

  • Long, costly downtime- once your equipment has broken down, you will either need to wait for a professional engineer to come out, or fix it yourself. Either way, this will be a time consuming and costly process, which will involve finding the fault in the first instance, and repairing this, before repairing any subsequent issues that have occurred due to additional wear and tear or stress. And while your machinery is switched off, you are losing productivity and potentially profit too.
  • Poor customer relations- if you work in an industry that provides services or products for another company, or directly to the consumer, mechanical failure that has a knock on effect on your time frame and deadlines, will lead to poor customer relations. And as a result, you might lose future work and employment opportunities.
  • Staff danger- mechanical failure can also place your staff at risk. For machinery to get to the point of total shutdown or malfunction, something serious has to have occurred. This can lead to risks of electrical shocks as well as fires.

Hoe can you avoid mechanical failure?

Regular electrical maintenance, servicing and testing is the number one way to prevent full mechanical failures and keep your industrial business up and running all year round. Here at Walker Electrical, we provide high quality maintenance and servicing for industrial companies across the North West. We use thermal imaging to identify potential faults or weak points in the system, as well as professional PAT testing and systems testing. Why not get in touch today?