Electrical repair considerations for Listed Buildings

commercial and industrial electrical services

Here at Walker Electrical, we are Preston’s leading electrical experts. For commercial, residential or industrial electrical solutions, we are the expert team you need to work with. We work across the area to provide high quality electrical solutions, repairs, installations and maintenance. This includes working with Grade II listed buildings. This is a special kind of job that requires a special set of skills, and that’s why you should hire a professional team. As a result we have produced this guide to repairing electrics in a listed building.

What are the electrical repair considerations for Listed Buildings?

Repair work that is necessary to sustain the heritage of a listed building is usually found to be desirable, after an official application has been made. So although any work on a listed building is not something to take on lightly, essential repairs are usually acceptable.

During repair work, it is unfortunately inevitable that original materials and details will be lost, reducing the architectural and historic value of the building as a whole. And for this reason, it is essential to hire a professional electrical team, who can work effectively under pressure, to a list of requirements, and in tight spaces.

Wherever possible when repairing electrics in a listed building, every step should be taken to ensure that the property endures the least amount of damage.

Consent Requirements

Although many repairs will not effect the character of the building, consent is often required. As a result, even if you were to swap like for like material, you may still need listed building consent. This will be granted by the local planning authority. For electrical work in particular, this is often something that is necessary because of the intrusive nature of the work.

For more information or advice, get in touch with the experts today, here at Walker Electrical.