Residential PAT testing

electrical testing

Here at Walker Electrical, we are Preston’s leading electrical experts. And we work with companies and clients across the region to deliver high quality, effective, electrical solutions. This includes landlords in large residential settings. Such as student accommodation, gated complexes, and residential homes. As a result, one of the most frequent jobs we are asked to undertake is Portable Appliance Testing ( or PAT testing). But why is this so important? And is it really necessary? Well, this is our guide to residential PAT testing.

Residential PAT testing and Landlord obligations

Landlord’s are legally bound by a variety of regulations and obligations, surrounding electrical safety. As a result, any person who owns a property, and lets this out, be it a flat, house, or apartments, including student accommodation, is bound by these laws.

Electrical safety laws mean that Landlords have a responsibility to make sure that the electrical installations, and appliances are safe, in good working order, and are well maintained. PAT testing is a good way to prove that as a landlord, you are taking your responsibilities seriously.

So, what is PAT Testing?

PAT testing involves hiring a professional, qualified electrician to test all of the electrical appliances you supply to the property. These could include:

  • fridges
  • freezers
  • cookers
  • fires
  • microwaves

Testing these items can indicate areas of wear and tear, or potential issues and repairs that may need to be carried out. The electrician will provide written documented evidence of all the appliances tested, and the results of this testing. And this can be used to prove your commitment to maintenance and electrical safety.


In summary

Residential PAT testing for Landlords will help you meet your legal requirements and obligations. If you need to implement PAT testing in any of your residential properties, don’t hesitate to contact Preston’s leading commercial electricians here at Walker Electrical.