Saving money on commercial energy bills

With energy prices always increasing, paired with a falling economy, its no wonder that commercial premises are looking to reduce the amount of electricity they use. But what are the effective options for saving money on commercial energy bills? And how can you make the right changes?

What are the effective options for saving money on commercial energy bills?

When it comes to saving money on your commercial energy bills, there are two main factors to consider. These include:

  • Computers, monitors and screens
  • Lighting

Computers, monitors and screens

With computers playing an increasingly important role in business, from data entry and storage to marketing, it is important to recognise the energy they use. Your company could save money simply by ensuring all computers are fully switched off overnight, or when they wont be needed for long periods of time. The same goes for any screens or TVs you have in your building. Making sure none of your company devices are left in standby mode could be a big part of company policy. Businesses can cut down significantly on their energy bills by ensuring that their computers, laptops and any other devices aren’t left on standby overnight.

In addition, you should think about investing in energy efficient monitors and screens, that will take less energy to power than traditional screens. Although these may be more expensive to purchase initially, you can regain the costs in savings.


Along with power sucking electrical devices, lights are one of the biggest electrical items to use energy. Companies and businesses should be using sensor lighting to make sure that no lights can be left on overnight, or when the room isn’t in use. This will dramatically cut down on energy bills and energy consumption.

In addition, switching to energy saving LED bulbs can really help when it comes to saving money on commercial energy bills. These use much less electricity than standard bulbs, and can also last a lot longer.

For more information or advice, get in touch with the experts today, here at Walker Electrical.