How often does your property need an EICR?

Here at Walker Electrical, we are Preston’s leading electrical experts. We work with companies and businesses across Preston, and the North West, to provide high quality, professional electrical and lighting solutions. As part of this, we also provide an EICR for businesses, HMO’s and commercial and industrial properties. But what is an EICR? And how often does your property need an EICR?

What is an EICR?

An EICR is an acronym for an Electrical Installation Condition Report. This is a specific type of electric testing that will need to be carried out by a registered and qualified electrical team, like us, here at Walker Electrical. This has replaced the older type of test, Periodic Electrical Testing.

What does an EICR involve?

As part of an EICR inspection we will:

  • Visually examine all electrics, including cables, leads, switches, sockets, fuse boxes and wiring
  • Electronically test the electrics

By combining both of these tests we can find faults and damage that would otherwise be impossible to detect, and this can give you ample time to repair any problems, and have any remedial work carried out, preventing a full electrical breakdown.

When the test is complete, you will be given a full report providing details of any work that is needed. If your electrics pass, you will be given a certificate of safety. If not, you will be given a time frame for the remedial work to be carried out within.

So, how often does your property need an EICR?

Different types of properties should have an EICR implemented on different time scales. These are generally:

  • Homeowners – every 10 years at least, unless there is a swimming pool. In this case every year.
  • Businesses – every five years.
  • Landlords – every five years, or when there is a change of tenancy.

For more information or advice, get in touch with the team today, here at Walker Electrical.