The dangers of out dated or faulty wiring

electrical testing

When it comes to wiring in your business property, or residential setting, you cant afford to take any shortcuts. But have you considered the age of your wiring? Even if your property is not “old”, any wiring that was implemented 25 years ago, or more, can be a huge problem. And here at Walker Electrical, we are Preston’s leading electrical experts. So repairing and testing old or faulty wiring is one of our most common tasks. As a result, we have produced this guide to everything you should know about the potential risks associated with old, out dated or faulty wiring.

What are the the dangers of out dated or faulty wiring?

While all wiring is a risk, wiring that is over a certain age poses an even bigger threat. There are a number of reasons for this, including:

  • Unsafe modifications that may have been made over this time
  • Wear and tear
  • Outdated circuitry

Unsafe modifications can make old wiring dangerous

If your property is a pre-1930’s building, the chances are the wiring has been modified over that time period. And in the past it was not uncommon for people with no electrical training to tinker with their own electrics and wiring. As a result, in older properties we often find wiring that has been modified poorly. This causes a wide range of problems, including:

  • loose wires
  • unconnected live wires
  • short circuits
  • bad connections

All of which can be a big electrical fire or electric shock risk.

Wear and tear is more likely with the age of the wiring

As with anything in life, the older something is, the more wear and tear begins to show. This is especially the case with wiring. Wiring that is older can have the insulation worn away and the connections can become lose and dangerous. This can even lead to arcing currents and increase the risks of electric shocks.

Outdated circuitry

Its not uncommon for older properties, with older wiring to have outdated circuit breakers and switches. However, you should have these tested to make sure that they are safe for use.

For more information or advice, get in touch with the experts today, here at Walker Electrical.