How can schools be more energy efficient?

Budgets in schools are often short and stretched. And with an increase demand for technology and electrical equipment, it’s no surprise that more electricity is being used in schools than ever before. So how can you make use of all the necessary teaching equipment, while still being energy efficient? Well, here at Walker Electrical, we are Preston’s leading electrical professionals. And these are our energy efficiency tips for schools.

How can schools be more energy efficient?

More than half of the energy usage in schools is spent on lighting, followed by heating, water, security systems and computers and office equipment. So how can you help to create a more energy efficient environment, to help fight climate change, and save on your electricity bill? Well, there are several things you can do, including:

  • Switching off electrics when not in use- from lights to computers, there is a large amount of electrical equipment that could be left on in your school, when not in use, and even overnight. This will cost you more in electricity bills, for something you aren’t using.
  • Using motion activated lighting- motion activated lighting is lighting that automatically switches on when movement is detected, and then switches off when movement has stopped. This means you wont need to rely on students or staff to switch off lights when not in use. This is most helpful for staircases and corridors, as well as rooms that are not always in use.
  • Make use of natural light- open the blinds more frequently than turning on the lights, and this will help you cut down on electrical light use in the classroom.
  • Switch to LED lighting- LED bulbs use a lot less electricity than other types of bulb. So this can keep your electricity costs down.

For more information or for professional electrical support, get in touch with the team today, here at Walker Electrical.