The future of lighting

With 2018 looming on the horizon, the future is also something to consider. While major electricity changes are still a little way off, there are some small changes you can make to bring your lighting up to speed. This includes LED lighting, and it is one of the best options available on the market. Here at Walker Electrical, as Preston’s leading electrical professionals, we are also lighting experts. This includes LED lighting, and this is our guide to the future of lighting.

Is the future in energy efficient lighting?

When it comes to lighting your home, energy efficient solutions are important. Not only do they help you to save money on bills and replacement bulbs, but they also go some way towards saving the planet. With more animals at risk of extinction in 2018, and our ice caps reducing in size continuously, the future really does lie with energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.

LED lights and energy efficient lighting

Clustering a group of small LED bulbs around diffuser lenses sends light in all different directions. This means that the LED bulb, once the king of gadgets and electronics, is a practical and efficient way to light your home or workplace. This is because they have been redesigned to fit a standard light fitting.
LED lights save electricity because they use heat sinks to draw heat away from the fragile internal components. This means that the lumen takes an incredibly long time to degrade, as it is not being constantly overheated. As a result, they can last for around 50,000 hours, while using only a 30th of the electricity used by an incandescent bulb.
For more information or advice about LED lighting and energy efficiency, get in touch with the experts today, here at Walker Electrical.